Empress Josephine under the tree.

June 25th, 2024

PATA and Chickens.

You read that right. Parallel ATA.

SSDs and Adapters for Old Laptops.

A while back, I had bought a adapter so that I could plug in a normal SATA SSD into a laptop with a PATA port. Well, I got the adapter, and it would not fit in the bay, as I assumed. So it sat in a drawer for quite a while.

A couple days ago, I decided to take apart one of my Samsung 870 EVO 500GB SSDs for the fun of it. Turns out, the actual board inside is very small, only taking up a small portion of the enclosure.

SSD board on top of its enclosure. SSD board on top of its enclosure.

I ended up grabbing my adapter, and plugging the drive into a computer of mine. I had to put tape over the exposed pins to prevent shorting, and I sealed up the laptop, and turned it on.

SSD inside of laptop's drive bay. SSD inside of laptop's drive bay with tape. Windows XP booted on laptop. Windows XP Device Manager showing SSD's model name.

After I turned it on, I went ahead, grabbed the recovery disk, and reinstalled XP. After that, it was just a matter of setting it up. It took around 30 seconds for it to turn on. I believe that sets a record, at least for me, for “shortest amount of time for XP to start on old laptop”.

As far as I am concerned, that laptop is as fast as it can get with a 1GHz Pentium M and .99GB of RAM. The laptop is a Fujitsu Lifebook P5020D.

The Chickens.

It’s been nice and hot over here. The Chickens asked me to include something about how they hate heat in this post. In Albis is standing by my door watching me. I think she’s spying on me on behalf of Empress Josephine. Oh well. It’s hot here, and the chickens said they want a refund on “luxurious desert living”.

Empress Josephine Sitting Under Tree with Comb Standing Up.

Empress Josephine with her comb standing up, which is not normal.

Empress Josephine Sitting under Tree.

Empress Josephine with her comb down and flopping over her eye, which is normal.

Gaby Glaring at Camera in Nesting Box.

Gaby demanding I go somewhere else instead of the nesting boxes.

I think that’s about it for this post. It’s short because I didn’t do much in terms of postable content.