Chicken Abigail the Speckled Sussex.

Chicken Abigail, Speckled Sussex.

Meet the Chickens.

Yes, they are real.

Empress Josephine the Exchequer Leghorn Hen.
Empress Josephine

This is Empress Josephine, Exchequer Leghorn, Ruler of the Coop and of her Empire.

Felicitas the Cream Legbar Hen.

This is Felicitas the Cream Legbar. Although grumpy at times, she will tolerate human attention.

Agathae the Cream Legbar Hen.

This is Agathae the Cream Legbar. She even has the fancy tuft.

Gaby the Welsummer Hen.

This is Gaby the Welsummer. She hates being picked up by humans, but once on a lap will sit quietly with you.

Dominica the Dominique hen.

This is Dominica, sister of In Albis. She is a Dominique hen. She is a partner with In Albis when it comes to taking food. She also prefers to stay away from humans that aren't going to give her a treat.

In Albis the Dominique hen.
In Albis

This is In Albis, sister of Dominica. She is a Dominique hen. Your food will not stand a chance against her.